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Benefit Performance Associates, LLC
20 North Lincoln Street . Batavia, IL 60510
p. 630.761.4427 f. 630.761.4430
email info@ihap.com

Integrated Health Advocacy Program IHAP
THURSDAY THINKER Answer for February 18, 2016 

What is being called the blockbuster drug of the 21st century?

None of the drugs listed!

Patient engagement has been called the blockbuster drug of the 21st century (Kish, 2012). Patient Engagement is defined in Health Affairs as “understanding one’s own role in the care process and having the knowledge, skills, and confidence to take on that role” (Hibbard, Greene, and Overton 2013). Findings from Hibbard, Greene, and Overton (2013) revealed that low engagement levels are associated with higher healthcare expenditures.

Benefit Performance Associates has found through the implementation of the Integrated Health Advocacy Program (IHAP) that participants become more active in their healthcare, showing higher levels of believing that they have control of their health, as well as more trust in their providers. Through advocacy, education and support, IHAP collaborates with individuals to emphasize appropriate interventions, to avoid redundancy of treatments, and to adhere to medication compliance. To learn more about achieving these results with IHAP, contact Dawn Tishkoff at 630-761-4427 or dtishkoff@ihap.com.


Kish, L. (2012, August 28). The Blockbuster Drug of the Century: An Engaged Patient. HL7 Standards. Corepoint Health [Web log post]. Retrieved from: http://healthstandards.com/blog/2012/08/28/drug-of-the-century/

Hibbard, J. H., Greene, J., & Overton, V. (2013). Patients With Lower Activation Associated With Higher Costs; Delivery Systems Should Know Their Patients' 'Scores'. Health Affairs, 32(2), 216-222 7p. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2012.1064


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Benefit Performance Associates, LLC.