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Benefit Performance Associates, LLC
20 North Lincoln Street . Batavia, IL 60510
p. 630.761.4427 f. 630.761.4430
email info@ihap.com

Integrated Health Advocacy Program IHAP
THURSDAY THINKER Answer for February 4, 2016 

Does ROI have a place in determining the value of a wellness program?

Absolutely. With 75% of total healthcare costs going to chronic conditions, employers are implementing innovative programs to combat associated expenditures. Goetzel et al. (2014)* recognized that producing a return- on-investment (ROI) is one of the tools necessary for determining the effectiveness of a wellness program. While research is abundant in showing that wellness programs benefit the participant by providing needed support and increasing self-efficacy, many programs do not provide evidence of producing a significant ROI. Goetzel and colleagues found that disease management programs favored a substantial ROI over lifestyle management. By targeting a population with multiple chronic conditions, the Integrated Health Advocacy Program® (IHAP®) is reducing healthcare costs for an at-risk population utilizing the highest percentage of expenditures.

To learn more about an evidenced-based program that produces a positive ROI, contact Dawn Tishkoff at 630-761-4427 or dtishkoff@ihap.com.


*Goetzel R, Henke R, Exum E, et al. Do Workplace Health Promotion (Wellness) Programs Work?. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine [serial online]. September 2014; 56(9):927-934 8p. Available from: CINAHL Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed January 25, 2016.



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Benefit Performance Associates, LLC.