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Benefit Performance Associates, LLC
20 North Lincoln Street . Batavia, IL 60510
p. 630.761.4427 f. 630.761.4430
email info@ihap.com

Integrated Health Advocacy Program IHAP
THURSDAY THINKER Answer for May 12, 2016 

What is the most common combination of physical chronic conditions for adults between the ages of 45-64?

A 2012 Data brief by the National Center for Health Statistics revealed that hypertension and diabetes are the most common combination of chronic conditions among individuals between the ages of 45 and 64 years. A close second is the combination of hypertension and heart disease for individuals aged 65 and up1.

Multiple chronic conditions (MCC) affect 1 out of every 4 Americans, and the population of individuals with MCC is projected to increase dramatically2. In a chronic disease report published by the World Health Organization, the most common causes of chronic diseases were an unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and tobacco use3. Perhaps this is why many employers are quick to implement smoking cessation or weight loss programs. However, there is not one known cause of a chronic disease, nor is there a cure for some of these conditions. While some programs target a single condition that may benefit some individuals, disease management programs have been proven more cost efficient when compared to lifestyle management programs4.

Additionally, research shows a directional relationship between mental and medical comorbidities, meaning that one may increase the risk or probability of contracting the other5. Due to this relationship, it is essential that there is an integrated medical and psychological healthcare delivery system. The Integrated Health Advocacy Program (IHAP) is not only proven to save on healthcare dollars, but this intervention program advocates for these individuals by providing support and education through the use of a multidisciplinary team. IHAP takes a holistic approach, ultimately benefitting the employer and the quality of life for the employees. For more information about IHAP, please contact Maria E. J. Kuhn at 630-761-4427 or mkuhn@ihap.com.

1 Freid, VM, Bernstein, AB, and Bush, MA. (2012). Multiple Chronic Conditions Among Adults Aged 45 and Over: Trends Over the Past 10 Years. NCHS Data Brief, No.100.

2 Ward BW, Schiller JS, Goodman RA. Multiple Chronic Conditions Among US Adults: A 2012 Update. Prev Chronic Dis 2014;11:130389. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5888/pcd11.130389

3 World Health Organization. (2005). Chronic Diseases and Their Common Risk Factors. Retrieved from: http://www.who.int/chp/chronic_disease_report/media/Factsheet1.pdf

4 Goetzel, R. Z., Henke, R. M., Tabrizi, M., Pelletier, K. R., Loeppke, R., Ballard, D. W., … Metz, R. D. (2014). Do workplace health promotion (wellness) programs work? Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 56(9), 927-934.

5 Goodell, S., Druss, B. G., & Walker, E. R. (2011). Mental disorders and medical comorbidity. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Research Synthesis Report (21).


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Benefit Performance Associates, LLC.