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20 North Lincoln Street . Batavia, IL 60510
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Integrated Health Advocacy Program IHAP
THURSDAY THINKER Answer for May 5, 2016 

We often hear the question “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”
In healthcare we often wonder, “Which came first, the chronic pain or
the depression?”

Research shows that there is a link between chronic pain and depression, which at times can repeatedly recycle. Depression may cause physical pains, and pain may lead to depression1. In a Harvard Health publication, pain is defined as both a physical and emotional condition2. Knowing which came first is often determined through the review of medical histories and reports, though this can be difficult due to a fragmented healthcare system.

Integrated, patient-centered care increases communication among providers, as well as reduces the barriers in determining the best treatment course. A holistic approach to treating physical and mental conditions also results in better quality of care and prevents unnecessary or duplication of treatments3.

Benefit Performance Associates has found through the implementation of the Integrated Health Advocacy Program® (IHAP®) that participants become more active in their healthcare, showing higher levels of believing that they have control of their health, as well as having more trust in their providers. Through advocacy, education and support, IHAP collaborates with individuals to emphasize appropriate interventions and eliminate the burdens of fragmented healthcare. To learn more about achieving these results with IHAP, contact Maria Kuhn at 630-761-4427 or mkuhn@ihap.com

And if you’re still wondering about the chicken and the egg, visit here!

1 Hall-Flavin, D. (2016). Is there a link between pain and depression? Can depression cause physical pain? Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/depression/expert-answers/pain-and-depression/FAQ-20057823

2 Depression and Pain. (2009). Harvard Health Publications. Retrieved from: http://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/depression_and_pain

3 Krause, C.M., Kuhn, M.E., and Wolfe, K.K. (2008). A Brief Description of the Limitations of the Current Health Care System in the United States, and a Program Response to the Complex Issues of Many Individuals Who Are Confronted with Multiple Chronic Conditions. In L.A. Klein & E.L. Neumann (Eds.) Integrated Health Care Delivery, (pp. 1-17) New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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Benefit Performance Associates, LLC.